Have you ever found yourself wondering if a certain open source software runs on Arm platforms? The answer for your question might well be a few clicks away in a search at the Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard.
The world of open source software is vast, collaborative, and constantly evolving. With an increasing number of projects, tools, and technologies being developed across diverse platforms, it can be challenging for developers and users to track the progress. The Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard is a community driven, open source web platform that aggregates information about 300+ open source projects. It provides a comprehensive view of the health of key projects, including supported releases and continuous integration (CI) status on Arm 64-bit platforms. The Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard provides valuable insights that can guide your strategy and decision-making process, allowing you to find the resources you need to keep your projects running smoothly on Arm.
With more than 30 thousand access per month, the web platform is a helpful tool for developers and users looking for information about open source projects in a wide range of areas. From operating systems like Debian and openEuler to virtualization tools like QEMU and Kubernetes, the dashboard supports a vast array of technologies. It also includes support for databases, big data solutions, artificial intelligence frameworks, cloud, cloud native, web, programming languages, libraries, toolchains, middleware, storage, and OpenHPC.
Even with so much information, the platform is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and find the information you need. And the search engine at the top of the page makes it even easier to find the information you are looking for.
As an open source project itself, the Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard fosters a sense of community among Arm developers and users. It encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing, making it easier for developers to connect and work together. It is easy for anyone to contribute new information, or even expand or fix current information by submitting pull requests to the dashboard project repository.
The Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard provides an easy, one-stop resource for anyone interested in finding information about open source projects and their status on Arm platforms. Developers and users of Arm systems can save time and effort by having all the necessary information in one place. It provides Arm platforms’ developers and users with the tools they need to succeed with open source projects, simplifying project management and enhancing productivity, allowing everyone to focus on what we do best — innovating and creating. More than a tool, the Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard is a gateway to deeper insights and better collaboration within the open source community.
To learn more about the Linaro Ecosystem Dashboard, go to https://ecosystemdashboard.linaro.org/.